Use "splinter|splintered|splintering|splinters" in a sentence

1. Cavings can be splinters, shards

2. Splintered wood and shoes swirling round and round.

3. The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces.

4. The lightening splintered a tree.

5. The sound of splintering wood reverberated outside.

6. Who cares if I get splinters in my ears?

7. As long as I don't get any splinters.

8. Near-misses rained shell splinters down on Sheffield.

9. And then there's a splintering sound and my husband is screaming. "

10. 7 The party began to splinter.

11. The windscreen cracked but didnot splinter.

12. And underneath the microscope there were splinters of glass.

13. The calf of Sa·marʹi·a will be reduced to splinters.

14. His head filled with bursting light, splintering, swirling pain.

15. Only a pile of broken concrete, loose bricks and splintered lumber remained.

16. The stone rocketed into the glass, splintering it.

17. The waves smashed the boat against the rocks, splintering it to pieces.

18. There was a splintering sound as the railing gave way.

19. 6 He ran a splinter into his finger.

20. 3 The mirror cracked but did not splinter.

21. 2 I've got a splinter in my finger.

22. The once-powerful communist party has splintered into hundreds of pieces.

23. 8 I have got a splinter in my finger.

24. He runs a splinter cell called 21-Void.

25. And we found splinters embedded deeply in the palm of his hand.

26. A fresh cascade of splintered glass tinkled to the floor.

27. The Democratic Party has been splintered into 3 major groups.

28. Ice storms splintered whole forests of trees in British Columbia.

29. I've got a splinter in my finger.

30. 5 The windscreen cracked but didnot splinter.

31. Rural communities in particular are splintering into individual metal boxes.

32. The waves the boat against the rocks, splintering it to pieces.

33. 3 Ice storms splintered whole forests of trees in British Columbia.

34. But, hey, I don' t want to check your trunk for splinters

35. The slit in the visor is narrow, but splinters can penetrate it.

36. The state- regulated mining industry has collapsed, and control over mines has splintered.

37. The trees are splintered, crushed, and broken, as if smitten by thunderbolts.

38. 9 The party has broken up into several splinter groups.

39. What had been a Victorian catch-all splintered into many different diagnoses.

40. Our ice tools punch through this, and we rise step by splintering step.

41. For example, you might Carefully remove a splinter from

42. Yet he heard the smash of glass, fragments splintering on the floorboards.

43. Outside the fog blanketed the tiny attic, a thick, grey blanket of splintered frost.

44. The state-regulated mining industry has collapsed, and control over mines has splintered.

45. Another splinter group has emerged from the remains of the Mutant army.

46. An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

47. 10 A small splinter of metal had lodged in his thumb.

48. He'd given up woodwork, having driven a splinter through his thumbnail.

49. If you don't take the splinter out, it will fester.

50. 4 The doctor dug the splinter out of her finger.

51. 1 The girl had got a splinter in her toe.

52. Synonyms for Brast include broke, brake, broken, cracked, shattered, split, fractured, ruptured, splintered and fragmented

53. 29 Or even, for old times' sake, one of the left splinter parties.

54. 24 An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter.

55. With a loud splintering crack the canoe broke, ending all hopes of damaging enemy shipping.

56. Beech first appears when Splinter faces off with her during battle training

57. 26 The Socialist Workers' Party seemed to split into several splinter groups.

58. 12 If you don't take the splinter out,[] it will fester.

59. 22 He'd quarrelled with them, and formed a splinter group of one.

60. I dream of screaming and splintering wood, of rushing sound and a jet of green light.

61. Ceiling panels, plastic chairs, splintered timber, bags, and torn Bibles and magazines were strewed everywhere.

62. 14 Countries splinter, regional trading blocs grow, the global economy becomes ever more interconnected.

63. 15 He'd given up woodwork, having driven a splinter through his thumbnail.

64. Edward pulls out the splinter and hugs her to his chest to quench the flame.

65. 17 The losing group tends to splinter: conflicts come to the surface; blame is allocated.

66. The risk of getting splinters or other foot injuries is higher when the feet are so exposed .

67. To date, Benzidine stain has not been utilized to characterize splinter hemorrhage (subungual hematoma)

68. The various splinter groups all claim allegiance to the true spirit of the movement.

69. 25 A few members of the party broke away to form a splinter group.

70. 13 I got a splinter in my finger while I was sawing the wood.

71. Comminuted fracture: this fracture type is extremely unstable and involves the bone splintering into three or more pieces

72. A completely new particle can be produced by disruption or splintering from solid or liquid surfaces.

73. They use networks of outsourced suppliers and assembles, which has led the splintering of research divisions.

74. They just splintered around the air like sticks in a whirlwind and they’d fall in the water.

75. The suspended despair inside her splintered into a shuddering sob and Fernando tightened his hold on her.

76. Cavings can be splinters, shards, chunks, and various shapes of rock, usually spalling from shale sections that have become unstable

77. 30 They concluded that she would be exposed to great danger from a splinter of flax.

78. And I sliced the little splinters of wood with a broken shard of glass, constructed this little apartment.

79. Behaving is a web application testing framework for Behavior-Driven-Development, based on behave and splinter.

80. Splinter group the Communist Workers' Group in New Zealand also argues for a Fifth International.